"This is a research paper on what is global warming, what causes it, and what it will do to our society or better yet our world"
What is Global Warming?
Have you ever heard of Global Warming? It affects our daily lives every single day of the year, and not just human’s animals also. Some people say that Global warming does not exist, but there is plenty of good facts that can back up that it is real and that is have already taken action. According to Dictionary.com Global Warming is “An increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse effect.” In easier words, Global Warming is the warming of the Earth to a certain extent that the polar caps will melt which would cause the water levels rise so much that islands will be covered up and large land masses to be under hundreds of feet of ocean water. If this happens as people think it will, multiple animal species will go instinct and there will be less space for people live. Especially when Wikipedia.com and multiple other sources believe that there will be about 8 billion people on the Earth by as early as 2050 by the way we are going now. Global Warming is a very devastation warming in the weather that could destroy the way that we live our everyday lives.
What Triggered this Phenomenon?
Many Scientists, Meteorologists, and other people believe that the Green House Effect is what this whole Global Warming theory is made up of. The definition of the Green House Effect from Dictionary.com is “An atmospheric heating phenomenon, caused by short-wave solar radiation being readily transmitted inward through the earth's atmosphere but longer-wavelength heat radiation less readily transmitted outward, owing to its absorption by atmospheric carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, and other gases; thus, the rising level of carbon dioxide is viewed with concern.”, many people believe that the Green House Effect was triggered by the great rise in carbon dioxide levels around the world. Since there is Billions and Billions of cars in the world and most all cars pollute our Atmosphere with Carbon Dioxide, except Hybrid cars. There is one huge problem about all these cars, and the problem is that each day there is about 9 tons of Carbon Dioxide that is put into our Atmosphere every day according to Worldometers.info. That probably doesn’t seem like much but it actually is, Carbon Dioxide is very toxic to the human body and all of it is sitting right in our upper layer of earth just sitting there. So in the End Carbon Dioxide is the main problem in this fight, and the only way to stop it is to get rid of cars that export Carbon Dioxide, even though this may seem like it is impossible to do this task but in reality if lots of people committed to it, it would be possible to live a clean and nice life on this Earth.
Many people believe that Global Warming does not exist, and many people called it a money scam back in the early 90’s late 80’s. Global Warming was actually introduced in the early 1890’s by a Swedish Scientist named Svante Arrhenius, he was the first to claim that fossil fuel combustion may eventually result in enhanced global warming effect. There are many skeptics that say many things about Global Warming, they don’t think it exists here are some of the questions skeptics have been asking in the late 90’s to now. “It hasn’t warmed since 1998”, they are wrong between 2003-2011 we’ve beat high temperature records all over the world. “Sea Level Rise is exaggerated”, once again wrong, over the past century a variety of different measurements have proved that the water is rising slowly but surely. “1934 – Hottest year on record”, this time they are correct, even though 1934 was the hottest year we are starting to work back up to that point. “Ice isn’t melting”, wrong Arctic ice has shrunk by an area equal to Western Australia, and summer or multi-year sea might be all gone within little as a decade. Lastly “Sea Level fell in 2010”, this is partially true the temporarily in sea level in 2010 was due to intense land flooding caused by a strong La Nina. On Thefreedictonary.com the definition of La Nina is “A cooling of the surface water of the eastern and central Pacific Ocean, occurring somewhat less frequently than El Niño events but causing similar, generally opposite disruptions to global weather patterns. La Niña conditions occur when the Pacific trade winds blow more strongly than usual, pushing the sun-warmed surface water farther west and increasing the upwelling of cold water in the eastern regions”. Although there are hundreds of different types of skepticism about Global Warming, those are a few of different perspectives of the Global Warming phenomenon.
In conclusion Global Warming can be stopped if we get enough people to contribute to this cause. We could get people to stop making cars that pollute our air and manually switch to hybrid-cars or figure out a way to filter the carbon that pollutes out of our vehicles. People need to learn about the long term effects that Global Warming will do to our World. Animals will go extinct and we will lose lots of land that will hold billions of people. What will happen? Food shortages? Extremely crowded land masses? We won’t find out until it really happens and strikes us in the heart of our beautiful planet we call Earth.