Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Revolutionary War comparisons

“In this essay, I will be comparing the movie “The Patriot” and the book “Guns for General Washington” to see what comparisons and differences they have.”

Have you ever seen the different perspectives of the Revolutionary War? There were many different events that took place throughout the 13 Colonies, for example Bunker Hill, The Battle of Lexington, and The battle of Yorktown. In the book “Guns for General Washington” and in the movie “The Patriot” they both take place in the Revolutionary War and they both have a big part in the war in their plot lines. I think that it was a huge impact in the United States to have important or any regular role in the Revolutionary War.

The movie “The Patriot” is about a Man named Benjamin Martin and how he gets fed up with the British and how they were burning everyone’s houses and killing innocent civilians; including his two oldest sons. Although during those times in war you are suppose to play by a list of rules, but since the British weren’t doing that, that means Benjamin and his militant group didn’t also. In the book “Guns for General Washington”, it is a book about how a young man named William Knox and his older brother Henry Knox get irritated at how General Washington’s army is doing at Fort Ticonderoga. Generally Army’s are well trained, dressed, and fed, but not this army. Mostly all of their men have no shoes, no weapons, no shelter, and no anything. That’s when Will and Henry decide to bring supplies to General Washington in Boston.

The movie “The Patriot” and the book “Guns for General Washington” have multiple comparisons; here are some of their comparisons. First off, both of the plots take place round the same years, the Revolutionary War Era. The plot of “Guns of George Washington” Takes place during the Battle of Lexington and Concord which was on April 14, 1775, and the plot of “The Patriot” takes place more during the ending battles, or Yorktown to be exact which was on October 19, 1781. Those dates aren’t that far away from each other, even though they are a few years apart. Another similarity between the two stories is that both of the characters in both stories were trying to contribute to helping the war a great amount. In “The Patriot” Benjamin Martin started a militant group which help the Continental Army a huge amount, even by helping them win the last battle. Now in “Guns for General Washington” William and Henry Knox were trying to get supplies to General Washington’s army so they could defeat the British army, which helped them win the battle of Lexington and Concord. Those are just a few of many similarities but those are the first that pop out at you in these stories.

Although there are more similarities than differences, here are a few of the differences. One of two differences is that both of the stories take place in two different towns, Charleston and Boston which are about 1600 miles away from each other. Generally that’s a big difference to some people but not always. The last of two, is that they weren’t both apart of the same group and what I mean by that is that Benjamin Martin was a part of a Militant group full of farmers, criminals, and just regular towns people. On the other hand William and Henry Knox were a part of the Continental Army, which was the one of the two main armies in the war. Those are the main differences that you will see by reading and watching these stories.

In final consideration both of the stories have a significant amount of similarities and differences and the ones that I pointed out were just few of many. But in the end it does prove that having a part in the Revolutionary war, because who knows maybe someone would of wrote a story or even make a movie about you if you were a part of the Revolutionary War.

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